Our Mission: Learning to live in the way of Jesus

At The Bridge, the mission is, "To be a community living in the way of Jesus." Here at Bridge Kids, our mission is "Learning to live in the way of Jesus. We keep our mission at the center of everything we do, and hope your child learns who Jesus is and how to live like Him. 

Our Vision: Understanding healthy relationships with God and others

You'll also find The Bridge's vision as, "Reconciling and restoring relationships with God and others." How does that translate into our children's ministry? By "Understanding healthy relationships with God and others." Your child is not equipped to be in community or relationship with God or others if they do not understand what a healthy relationship looks like, or how to develop healthy relationships in his or her life. 

We believe it is important that our mission and vision line-up with the church's overarching ideas.

As children grow and develop into adolescents and then adults, they cna understand their value to the church community; and their faith develops with the same core ideas at the center of their teachings as they transition through each stage. 

Have questions about our Bridge Kids Program? 

Fill out the form below and our Bridge Kids Pastor, Kelly Smith will be in touch.